Wheel & Tire Troubleshooting : All Things You Should Know?
Wheel & Tire Troubleshooting
In this blog we will see the troubleshooting of wheels and tires. Generally people go to mechanic shop even for a very small problem this is because first they don’t inspect regularly their vehicle and second they even don’t try to correct it. This is because of inadequate knowledge. But here we are telling you the general problems and their cause why they happen.
Wheel Bounce or Tramp
The main reason identified for wheel bounce or tramp is eccentricity of wheel and tire. The defect may also be due to incorrect tire pressure if eccentricity is not found. Statically unbalanced wheels or statically unbalanced brake drum can also be responsible for wheel bounce. To identify the culprit wheel which is causing bounce, inflate all the tires to higher pressure of 350 kilo Pascal and drive over the same roads. If the bounce is eliminated in this case decrease the air pressure, in any of tire, to recommended value at a time and repeat the road test. Repeat the procedure till all the tires have tested in this manner i.e. one tire at recommended pressure and three at higher pressure. When the bounce again happens, the tire at recommended pressure is defective and should be replaced. This method of isolating defective tires work effectively in case of cross ply tires but not effective in radial ply tires.
Wheel & Tire Troubleshooting - Advanced Tech World
Wheel Wobble or Shimmy
Wheel wobble may be due to wearing out hub bearing of wheel affected in which case it should be replaced. Dynamic unbalancing, which itself may be due to several reasons such as buckled wheel, in correctly fitted tire, bent axle shaft, may be responsible for wheel wobbling.
Side Wears of Tires
The only cause responsible for this incident when tire wears more at sides than at center is due to low tire pressure and repeated high cornering.
One side wears of tires
This may be due to incorrect camber angle or incorrect toe or sagging axle on account of overloading. Continuously running on highly cambered roads may also result in this type of wear.
Center wear of tire tread
The only cause responsible for center wear of tire tread is higher pressure than required.
Uneven tire wear
The identified cause for uneven tire wear is sudden accelerating and braking. This may cause for wear but generally buckled wheel or the tire and wheel assembly being out of balance are culprit for this type of wear.
Radial tire waddle
Waddle is side to side movement at the front or/and rear car particularly noticeable at low speeds around 10 to 50 km/hr. It is caused by steel belt not straight within the tire. Waddle can be quickly diagnosed by using tire problem detector.
Loss of Pressure
Generally small loss of pressure takes place regularly not due to any defect but on account of normal diffusion of oxygen through tube material. However pressure loss more than 35 kPa in a week may be due to faulty valve or minor puncture.
Tread Cracking
This is due to overloading, over inflation and under inflation.
Radial Tire Lead
Lead is the tendency of car to deviate from straight path even if no pressure is applied on steering wheel. Lead is caused by incorrect alignment, uneven braking adjustment or any defect in tire construction.
Rapid Wear With Feathered Edges On Tread
This type of wear may be detected by placing fingers on tread and moving slowly in cross direction, first on one side and then other this means tire has also been skidding. This may be due to incorrect wheel alignment on real axle. This may be due to misalignment of chains and displacement of axle.
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